How to register your trademark in the US?

A trademark or service mark consists of any promise, vocable, symbol, apparatus, or any compound, which is used or designed to be used, to define and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider, and to also point out the source of the products or services. Mostly, Amazon sellers are the ones who need brand registration. If you form your company in Delaware, you can only register your brand in the state of Delaware and that will cost you about $300 USD. If you want your brand to be registered nationwide, USPTO is the place you should start your application. If you need any assistance with your trademark, we can help you!

In the ambitious and frequently changing digital marketplace, a trademark is a very precious presence. It diversifies your business and the standard of your products from those of your competitors. Your brand has its own reputation and will strengthen long-term relationships with your buyers. It’s essential to be conscious of trademarks not only to preserve your rights but also to assure that you are not infringing on the rights of others when creating one.

In the United States, you have the option to register your trademark at either the state or federal level. A state recorded logo only keeps your mark from breach within that state. A federally-registered trademark protects the entire US but is only valid if you do business with other states or internationally. If your e-commerce platform beholder can display transactions that span beyond state borders, you can earn the useful protection of a federally registered mark.

1: Pre-Registration

2: Mark Selection

3: The Application Form

4: Evaluation Period to Verdict

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]. Also, you can reach to us at +1 (302) 803-9501