Can I use an LLC name that is inactive?
There may be multiple reasons why an entity is inactive. Most of the states will not allow you to use [...]
There may be multiple reasons why an entity is inactive. Most of the states will not allow you to use [...]
Starting an LLC in Delaware is not only highly beneficial compared to some other states, but it is also super [...]
We know, PayPal allows a small portion of its customers to use their own accounts in a restricted country. We [...]
Good News: Non-US Residents can open their bank accounts with Open a US Bank Account with Mercury for Non-US [...]
Who is eligible to apply for ITIN? There are two types of individual tax identification numbers in the United States. [...]
What is the purpose of Form W7? An individual could obtain ITIN issued by the IRS by submitting a form [...]
Tax obligations might differ for those who have a sole proprietorship to carry on their businesses, compared to the ordinary [...]
US Paypal business accounts are getting more and more used by the customers. The main reason for this is that [...]
The obligation to pay taxes in the U.S. is not exclusive to the U.S. citizens. If you fulfill certain criteria, [...]
We have covered the ITIN in our previous articles rather extensively. For a recap, ITIN is an identification number given [...]